Driving Fox in Bogesund 2014

Place: BogesundVaxholm Municipality, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.41233, Lon: 18.23497
Time: 1 day in March

It's the 15th of March and this season's last day of foxhunting here in Mid Sweden. As usual I'm attending the Driving hunt for fox out in Bogesund; always nicely arranged by Jägareförbundet.
The morning offer some wet snow and the afternoon sun and refreshing winds. A fairly big gang is gathered here today; over 30 persons are eager to spend this beautiful Spring day hunting. We get to see Roe Deer, Moose, Wild Boar, Hare and fox, but nothing is shot today. This got to be a great day filled with exercise, fresh air and lovely muddy boots. A special thanks for the nice lunch served in the woods. Hope to see you again next year.

See past years fox driving by clicking HERE

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Jakt & Vapen - April 2014

Hope you're having a great Spring weekend, preferably out by the fire enjoying your coffee and the latest issue of the Swedish hunting magazine Allt om Jakt & Vapen. In the April mag you can read my latest magazine article. This time the topic is the sharp 50 year old knife model Buck 110 Folding Hunter, see more by clicking HERE... Enjoy and take care.

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The French Riviera - Côte d'Azur

Place: French RivieraFrance
Time: 7 days in March

Saint-Tropez, Saint-Raphaël, Cannes, Antibes, Nice och Monaco.. all along the coast line of Southern France; a beautiful landscape shaped by the glimmering water of the Mediterranean Sea. I just got back from a week of touring the French Riviera (also called Côte d'Azur by the French) and then got a taste of the interesting nature of the area. In between the glamorous harbors the Riviera also offer an exciting outdoor landscape I hope to get a chance to further explore in the future.

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