Driving Fox in Bogesund 2016

Place: BogesundVaxhoms kommun, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.41233, Lon: 18.23497
Time: 1 day in February

Time for the annual Fox Drive in Bogesund; as always great arranged by my friends in Svenska Jägareförbundet. This year it's me, my 4-year-old little Sonia and 40 other hunters enjoying a unusually green Bogesund. It got to be a beautiful day full of experiences. By the end of the day; two Fox were laid down and Sonia got to tell some amazing hunting stories to her Mother and Sister. Especially fun Sonia thought it was to use her little sister Miriam's little blue toy tambourine when walking in the drive crew. I let the below pics describe a bit more of our refreshing day.

Also take a look at past year's Fox Drives in Bogesund by clicking HERE.

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Marttiini Martef Orange - Vapentidningen No.1 - 2016

A new year also means a new season together with Vapentidningen. I want to take this opportunity to thank the Editorial Board and the Readers of the magazine for a great year. I look forward to this new year and a bunch of interesting articles!

In this year's first issue you can find articles like; Sako 85 Carbonlight (A. Pettersson), Sig Sauer X-Five Open (H. Kalling) and Remington 870 Wingmaster (H. Kalling). From my pen you'll get some newsflashes from 2016 SHOT Show in Las Vegas; Morakniv GarbergBuck 141 PakLite Large Skinner HookESEE Camp-Lore and Helle Mândra. Also you can read my article about Marttiini's colorful hunting knife series Martef Orange consisting of four lightweight and practical hunting tools; Hunter's Carving Knife, Big Game, Skinning Knife With Hook and Skinner. So pour a hot cup of coffee and enjoy.

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Roe Deer on Gålö

Place: Gålö naturreservatHaninge kommun, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.11089, Lon: 18.27711
Time: 1 day in January

Although my body tells me to snooze; I'm grateful to be able to get up this early to head out hunting. Packed my stuff yesterday so it doesn't take long before I'm sitting in my pickup truck listening to Naturmorgon, as so many times before.

Today we're looking for Roe Deer out in the Gålö woods. The dogs start driving already from the beginning and it's a pleasure to hear them work. I get to see a lot of beautiful Deer during the day, but unfortunately on too far distance form my shotgun. 

A blessing to feel refreshed sitting down by the dinner table sharing today's hunting stories with the wife and kids.

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Remington 660 and ESEE Izula-ll - Vapentidningen No.9 - 2015

This year's last issue of Vapentidningen is a packer magazine. Besides my two articles on Remington and ESEE; you can read articles like; Browning 725 20-76 (L. Hanaeus) and Heckler & Koch HK45 (H. Kalling).

In the article about my old class 2 rifle in caliber .222 Rem. I give you a historic perspective on the Remington 600 series, produced 1964-2004. This compact classic has won a place in my heart and I'd like to take the opportunity to encourage you to take a look at the gun store's used objects shelf next time you're out shopping for a new hunting rifle. Old school quality is a great way to go, if you ask me.

In my article about ESEE Knives knivmodell Izula-ll you can read about the fiery little knife I've gotten to like a lot during my time using it as my EDC neck knife.
You can also get these articles via the Vapentidningen website.

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In Search of the Bogesund Christmas Fox - December 2015

Place: BogesundVaxhoms kommun, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.41233, Lon: 18.23497
Time: 1 day in December

After a month of inspiring adventures in Florida it felt great coming home to peacefully celebrate Christmas here in Sweden. A couple of grateful days together with the family enjoying all what Christmas brings and then it's time to grab my hunting gear an head out for a silent day in the woods.
It's a beautiful full moon this morning and the -8°C feels extra cold in my body after a month of Florida heat. Unfortunately the snow haven't arrived yet, but any time now.

It seems that the woods are extra silent this morning. The full moon lights up the tower (no.45) as I climb it and when I'm all settled I take a deep breath, lean back and relax waiting for that first morning light.

After a couple of hours the woods are still silent and calm; no sign of any game. The only company I get to enjoy is a couple of birds and my grateful thoughts slowly spinning inside my head... And now it starts to snow... Marry Christmas!

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