Vildmarksmässan 2017 - Hunting, Survival and Bushcraft at Camp Vildmark

Place: VildmarksmässanStockholmsmässan, Älvsjö, Sweden
Coordinates: 59.277644, 18.015208 (lat, lon)
Time: 3 days in March (10th-12th)

Time for Vildmarksmässan once again. So happy that Jonas Vildmark got the opportunity also this year to share my experiences during the fair. Last year (2016) the premiere of the concept Camp Vildmark was a success. Therefore this year this training area had been extended and filled even more with interesting presentations and workshops. Some of the topics were; Hike Planning, First Aid and Drying Food. It's the inspiring gang of Swett that arrange Camp Vildmark in cooperation with Vildmarksmässan. Of course I said Yes when I this year was asked to speak about Hunting and Survival as well as give a workshop in Bushcraft Whittling.

Photo: J. Björkegren

Below you'll find the different blocks I offered during the weekend at the Vildmarksmässan in Stockholm. I want to give my warmest thanks to all of you attended my speeches and workshops.

Hunting - To Become a Hunter (Jägarexamen - intro)
Swedish hunting is getting more popular each day. Therefore I wanted to help you out if you have any thoughts about taking your license. We went trough what is expected of you when studying for your exam and how the hunting culture of Sweden looks like.

Bushcraft - Field-like Woodcarving (Bushcraft - intro)
This was a workshop where I'll went through the edge tools (knife, axe and saw) and how to handle these in a safe way. The rest of the session you got the opportunity to exercise your techniques whittling your own piece of woodwork.

Survival - Psychology and Physique (Överlevnad - grund)
The absolute basics of Survival is the knowledge of the mind and the body. During stress in an extreme survival situation motivation is your best friend together with the insights of what the human body can withstand.

Survival - Tactics (Överlevnad - fortsättning)
The tactical part of survival is very important for your safety in an extreme situation. The aspects of planning, signaling and navigation together with the knowledge of your own limitations are key aspects in your safety when in an uncomfortable survival situation.

I'm really happy for this creative weekend. We got to meet up with a bunch of inspiring people and had so many interesting discussions about Survival, Bushcraft, Edge tools and Hunting as well as Outdoor life in general. We want to send a special thanks to the guys at Swett and Vildmarksmässan. I hope that Camp Vildmark will continue to develop so that we can keep spreading knowledge and inspiration about our amazing Nature. Thanks for listening!

Please also visit Jonas Vildmark on Facebook where you can find more pics and fun stuff from this weekend's exhibition in Älvsjö Stockholm.

For earlier years at the Vildmarksmässan; click HERE.

På Svenska

Edge Tools with Jonas Vildmark

Place: Jonas Vildmark Bushcraft Center at Lienshyttans Herrgård in Riddarhyttan, Bergslagen, Sweden
Time: 1 day training

Edge Tools is a one day course where we go into depth of the noble art of separating materials. The training is held by the campfire of Lienshyttans Herrgård in Riddarhyttan Sweden. The edge tools are some of our most important tools. Looking at history; they have brought us to where we are today. During this training you'll get knowledge regarding edge tools like; the Knife, the Axe and the Saw.
We'll go through chopping and carving techniques as well as we learn how to sharpen your tools and to do the maintenance. Edge Tools is a popular course going into depth of the subject, giving you tips and trix and at the same time gives you the chance to practice your techniques and skills in the peaceful surroundings of Riddarhyttan. If you're interested in a day full of bushcraft skills; we hope you'll sign up for one or several of the course dates found below.

Photo: N. Fernandes

Photo: M. Brodersen

Rough Schedule (changes may occur)

Theoretical and practical training regarding knife, axe and saw:
- 10.00, The history of the tools, Geometry and Choice of tools
- Fika
- Tecniques, Safety and Practicing
- Lunch
- Sharpening. Maintenance and Practicing
- Fika
- Bushcraft wood carving
- 15.30, Summary

The whole training is spent outdoors whatever the weather. Bring clothes for all weather and also bring your own edge tools, if any (there are tools for borrowing at site).

Length: 1 day
Price: 1500 SEK per person (including VAT)
The price includes; Instructor, lunch, fika, course material and some gear.

Course dates during 2019:
Also take a look at the course Edge & Fire; click HERE.

To book your spot; contact us by clicking HERE.
To see a taste of parts of this training; click HERE.
For more training offers; click HERE.

På Svenska

Fire Training with Jonas Vildmark

Place: Jonas Vildmark Bushcraft Center at Lienshyttans Herrgård in Riddarhyttan, Bergslagen, Sweden
Time: 1 day training

Fire is a one day outdoor course held around the campfire at Lienshyttans Herrgård in Riddarhyttan Sweden. Fire; mankind's most important discovery. To control fire is essential to keep dry, warm and full when out in the woods. Fire is a popular course going into depth of the subject, giving you tips and trix and at the same time gives you the chance to practice your techniques and skills in the peaceful surroundings of Riddarhyttan. If you're interested in a day full of bushcraft skills; we hope you'll sign up for one or several of the course dates found below.

Photo: M. Brodersen

Rough Schedule (changes may occur)

Theoretical and practical fire skills:
- 10.00, The fundamentals, Safety and Preparations
- Fika
- Tinder, Fuel and Fire Construction
- Lunch
- Lighting Techniques and Practicing
- Fika
- Practicing and Putting it out
- 15.30, Summary

The whole training is spent outdoors whatever the weather. Bring clothes for all weather and also bring your own fire tools, if any (tools for borrowing are available on suite).

Length: 1 day
Price: 1500 SEK per person (including tax)
The price includes; Instructor, lunch, fika, course material and some gear.

Course dates:
Also see the course Edge & Fire; click HERE.

To book your spot; contact us by clicking HERE.
To see a taste of parts of this training; click HERE.
For more training offers; click HERE.

På Svenska

Kizer Ki4468 Intrepid - Vapentidningen No.1 - 2017

A new year also means a new lineup of interesting magazines from the Swedish mag Vapentidningen. In this first issue of the year 2017 you're offered articles like; Blaser R 8 Professional X (Erland Gunnarsson), BUL SAS II (Henrik Kalling), Remington V3 Field Sport (Tobias Hassel) and a big test of muzzle brakes (Johan Ljungné). As usual I also contribute inside the mag. This time you can read my article about the folder Kizer Ki4468 Intrepid.

This Asian manufactured high-tech folder is a collaboration with the American custom knife maker Ray Laconico. Intrepid is a nice knife that I would say belongs in the newer category of knifes using exclusive materials and refined design, offering a futuristic and extravagant flipper. Most of these knives remains collectibles but I enjoy the Intrepid as a field dressing blade when taking care of the game out in the bush.

The magazine is on it's way out in stores as we write/read. I hope you like the article and please write me a few lines if you have any questions or if you have any nice stories about this knife model.

Inside the next issue of Vapentidningen you'll find my article on the Morakniv Garberg.

To see my earlier articles inside the mag Vapentidningen; click HERE.

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