Kizer Ki4468 Intrepid - Vapentidningen No.1 - 2017

A new year also means a new lineup of interesting magazines from the Swedish mag Vapentidningen. In this first issue of the year 2017 you're offered articles like; Blaser R 8 Professional X (Erland Gunnarsson), BUL SAS II (Henrik Kalling), Remington V3 Field Sport (Tobias Hassel) and a big test of muzzle brakes (Johan Ljungné). As usual I also contribute inside the mag. This time you can read my article about the folder Kizer Ki4468 Intrepid.

This Asian manufactured high-tech folder is a collaboration with the American custom knife maker Ray Laconico. Intrepid is a nice knife that I would say belongs in the newer category of knifes using exclusive materials and refined design, offering a futuristic and extravagant flipper. Most of these knives remains collectibles but I enjoy the Intrepid as a field dressing blade when taking care of the game out in the bush.

The magazine is on it's way out in stores as we write/read. I hope you like the article and please write me a few lines if you have any questions or if you have any nice stories about this knife model.

Inside the next issue of Vapentidningen you'll find my article on the Morakniv Garberg.

To see my earlier articles inside the mag Vapentidningen; click HERE.

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