Merry Christmas & Happy New 2017

The Christmas tree is all dressed, the fireplace is warming the saloon and I'm enjoying the calm as my dear family now is fast asleep. This is a nice contrast to the last couple of days of inspiring but intense activities. This weekend we moved from the hectic big city pulse of Stockholm to the calm woods of Bergslagen. Me and my beloved wife Therese are now changing course in life to focus even more on Jonas Vildmark and the outdoors. As a natural step in our business development we have been looking for a suitable homestead for some time now. And now we have gotten the opportunity to live in the beautiful villa Lienshyttans Herrgård in Riddarhyttan Sweden. This shift is a wonderful final to a fantastic year for us and Jonas Vildmark. 2016 offered inspiring events like; Vildmarksmässan 2016Ystad Täljfestival 2016Naked and AfraidBushcraftfestivalen 2016, nice courses, a lot of hunting, buying forest in Hälsingland and last but not least; getting to buy the inspiring place Lienshyttans Herrgård.

With these words from a quiet and frosty Riddarhyttan I want to wish you and your dearest a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Jonas Vildmark plans for 2017 will for instance offer you news like; Hunting SchoolBushcraft weekends, lectures at the Vildmarksmässan, exciting homesteading and the Bushcraftfestivalen 2017.

Hope to see you soon. Take care of each other during the upcoming holidays and let your heart be generous to those in need.

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Hultafors Outdoor Knives - Vapentidningen No.9 - 2016

My dear colleges at the Vapentidningen have once again crafted a top notch magazine; the last issue of this year, number 9 - 2016.
My contribution to this issue is a big article about Hultafors new Outdoor Knife series consisting of four different models; Outdoor Knife OK1Outdoor Knife OK4Ropr Knife RKR GH and Rescue Knife OKR GH. The knives are based on Hultafors' erlyer craftsman knives, but with a bigger outdoor focus.These are nice knives for different ourdoorsy activities and the model OK1 got to be the series' personal favorite of mine during the test.

Inside the same issue you'll also find a small article from my side regarding the pleasent event EDC-träffen 2016, wish resently was arranged in Stockholm by Knivshop. Among others the folder Kizer Ki4468 Intrepid was seen at the meet and later this Spring you'll be able to read a review inside Vapentidningen on that  knife.

I wish you all a pieceful Lucia Holiday with lots of reading. Please let me know if you have any feedback on my articles.

To also see my erlyer articles inside the Vapentidningen; click HERE.

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