Combined Hike and Survival Training

Place: Along stage 12 on Sörmlandsleden, Järna, Sweden
Time: 1 day in June

This day I got the pleasure of guiding and training a group of 12 from the 125 year old Swedish company Scania AB. It got to be a beautiful day; perfect for hiking, team building and bushcrafting. I'd like to give the group a warm thanks for their curiosity and enthusiasm thorough the whole day. I let the below pics speak for themselves...

 Photo: M. Brodersen

 Photo: M. Brodersen

Photo: M. Brodersen

To see more examples of my courses; click HERE.

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Schrade Frontier SCHF36 - Vapentidningen No.4 - 2016

New number out; Vapentidningen No.4 - 2016. Inside you find my article on the Schrade Fronier SCHF36. This knife is also one of the participants in my Bushcraft Knife Field Test 2015. I've gotten a surprisingly warm relation to this knife. By now you probably know I have a big fondness for small knives with scandi grind edges. The SCHF36 is somewhat the opposite with it's tick heavy hollow grind blade. I think Schrade has managed to create a smooth giant in this knife and now you can read about it in the latest issue of Vapentidningen.

Besides the Schrade article you'll find a lot of interesting reading. For instance Erland Gunnarsson's tips on how to create better friction on different handles by strippling. Also two articles about two different 1911's; STI-Euro-Guns Spartan (Henrik Kalling) and the Star B (Olle Fornehed).

Pleasant reading my friend and have a nice weekend!

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