Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter Nominated to The Swedish Tourism Award 2019

We feel blessed and honored to be nominated by the Business Community and the Public of the county of Västmanland to The Swedish Tourism Award 2019 (Stora Turismpriset 2019).

We are three nominees and we are honored to be in the company of these two fine colleges.
The nominees are:

1. Genbergs sommarcafé
2. Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter
3. Wirsbo herrgård

The Swedish Tourism Award is rewarded to actors in the business that manage to think new and innovative and help develop the tourism industry in a sustainable way. The big final is in Stockholm on December 4th 2019.

Photo: Per Groth

This nomination inspires us to continue our passion to spread knowledge regarding Bushcraft & Survival - the more rustique way of outdoor living with a historical connection. Our goal is to strengthen the individual and his and hers awareness of nature. Mankind is a part of nature, our home, and the more we learn about nature - the woods and the wildlife, the more at home we feel in it, in a respectful way. Then chances are; we'll take better care of our nature.

This nomination means a lot to us as the judge's three main criteria goes well with our own core values; Sustainability, Knowledge and Development.

More Bushcraft to the people
We are so happy to be able to take part in introducing Bushcraft & Survival into the modern tourism industry. We notice a big demand for knowledge among our customers - Bushcraft is Sustainability!

Help us make a difference
You can vote for your favorite candidate for the award. Voting are open until September 8th 2019. So if you want to see Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter in the finals December 4th; please vote for us by clicking HERE.
On the same site you also can read the nominations.

Have a nice day and take care about each other and our nature.
Kind regards
Jonas & Therese

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Jonas will be Speaking about Survival at Explore Basecamp 2019

Jonas will be speaking about Survival at the Basecamp area at Explore 2019, March 22nd-24th at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö Sweden.

Hear Jonas tell you more about the event in the movie below. We hope to see you there!

More info available in the FB-eventet, click HERE.

While at the fair; we also hope that you'll visit Jonas Vildmark's booth at the Bushcraftfestivalen area at Explore 2019.

For yet more info also visit Explore's website; click HERE.

På Svenska

Casström Lars Fält Knife - Vapentidningen No.2 - 2019

On it's way out in stores right now; the latest issue of Vapentidningen. Inside this issue, No.2 - 2019, Jonas contributes with an article on the Casström Lars Fält Knife. This knife is a collaboration between the Swedish company Casström and the Swedish Survival Legend Mr. Lars Fält.

So pop your popcorn, boil your coffee and stuff your pipe; it's time for some nice reading about how it all started at the Bushcraftfestivalen 2016 in Gottröra. It was at that event that the idea about creating the knife was born. And for that we are truly grateful.

Other interesting articles inside the same mag is for instance; BUL SAS II UR (Henrik Kalling), Bernelli 828U Sport (Tobias Hassel) and Breda B12i (Henrik Kalling)... Much pleasure.

To see more articles from Jonas published inside Vapentidningen; click HERE.

For more info on Casströms knives; click HERE.

På Svenska

Bushcraft - The Art of Survival in Nature is Spreading - Land December 2018

The Swedish magazine Land has for me always been a symbol of reality and homesteading. The mag has been seen laying on kitchen tables in Swedish homesteads through the years.
So when Land contacted us wanting to do an interview on Bushcraft we of-course proudly said Yes.

Picture:  Photo: Lotta Silferbrand

The nice ans skill-fulled Journalist ms Lotta Silferbrand visited us on our homestead in Riddarhyttan Sweden for some coffee and interesting conversations about what Bushcraft is and how important wilderness skills is to mankind and the environment. After that we headed out in the refreshing outdoors of Bergslagen Sweden. Besides enjoying the Autumn air we focused on fire skills from different eras. I demonstrated the bow drill technique and how to think when building, maintaining and safely putting out a fire in the outdoors.

Picture:  Photo:Lotta Silferbrand

We wish to thank Lotta and Land for good words, nice photos and well publishing. We hope that the article can inspire more of us to go outdoors and enjoy the knowledge of Nature.

You can see the whole article in Land by clicking HERE.

Read even more about what Bushcraft is by clicking HERE.

På Svenska

Hultafors Premium Axes - Vapentidningen No.1 - 2019

This year's first issue of  Vapentidningen is on its way out to the stores - No.1 - 2019.
Inside you'll find Jonas 3-page article on Hultafors Premium Axe series.

With genuine carbon steel from Smedjebacken Sweden, craftsmanship from Hults Bruk in Åby Sweden and American hickory nicely shaped by Bröderna Smedbergs in Rydaholm Sweden this series come with high quality and great history. You can see more about the axes by clicking HERE. And then we hope you pick up the mag to get more detailed information on each axe model in the Hultafors Premium Axes series.

Some examples of other interesting articles inside the same mag; Steel-Action HS (Erland Gunnarsson), Rizzini BR110 (Tobias Hassel) and Schmeisser 1911 Hugo (Henrik Kalling).

We want to take the opportunity to congratulate mr Erland Gunnarsson to his new role as Chief Editor at the magazine! His off to a good start delivering this great first issue.

To also see Jonas earlier articles published inside Vapentidningen; click HERE.

På Svenska

A Bushcraft Chat with P4 Extra

It warmed our hearts when Sveriges Radio P4 Extra contacted us to learn more about Bushcraft.
You can hear the result on the below link; when Jonas and Titti Schultz have a quick chat about Bushcraft. We hope we inspired someone to head out this weekend to gain knowledge from our beloved Nature.
A big Thank you to Swedish Radio for your hospitality.
You can listen to the chat in the link below. 57 minutes and 54 seconds in we start to talk Bushcraft.


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