Marttiini Martef Orange - Vapentidningen No.1 - 2016

A new year also means a new season together with Vapentidningen. I want to take this opportunity to thank the Editorial Board and the Readers of the magazine for a great year. I look forward to this new year and a bunch of interesting articles!

In this year's first issue you can find articles like; Sako 85 Carbonlight (A. Pettersson), Sig Sauer X-Five Open (H. Kalling) and Remington 870 Wingmaster (H. Kalling). From my pen you'll get some newsflashes from 2016 SHOT Show in Las Vegas; Morakniv GarbergBuck 141 PakLite Large Skinner HookESEE Camp-Lore and Helle Mândra. Also you can read my article about Marttiini's colorful hunting knife series Martef Orange consisting of four lightweight and practical hunting tools; Hunter's Carving Knife, Big Game, Skinning Knife With Hook and Skinner. So pour a hot cup of coffee and enjoy.

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