Roe Deer on Gålö

Place: Gålö naturreservatHaninge kommun, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.11089, Lon: 18.27711
Time: 1 day in January

Although my body tells me to snooze; I'm grateful to be able to get up this early to head out hunting. Packed my stuff yesterday so it doesn't take long before I'm sitting in my pickup truck listening to Naturmorgon, as so many times before.

Today we're looking for Roe Deer out in the Gålö woods. The dogs start driving already from the beginning and it's a pleasure to hear them work. I get to see a lot of beautiful Deer during the day, but unfortunately on too far distance form my shotgun. 

A blessing to feel refreshed sitting down by the dinner table sharing today's hunting stories with the wife and kids.

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