Coordinates: Lat: 59.41233, Lon: 18.23497
Time: 1 day in December
After a month of inspiring adventures in Florida it felt great coming home to peacefully celebrate Christmas here in Sweden. A couple of grateful days together with the family enjoying all what Christmas brings and then it's time to grab my hunting gear an head out for a silent day in the woods.
It's a beautiful full moon this morning and the -8°C feels extra cold in my body after a month of Florida heat. Unfortunately the snow haven't arrived yet, but any time now.
It seems that the woods are extra silent this morning. The full moon lights up the tower (no.45) as I climb it and when I'm all settled I take a deep breath, lean back and relax waiting for that first morning light.
After a couple of hours the woods are still silent and calm; no sign of any game. The only company I get to enjoy is a couple of birds and my grateful thoughts slowly spinning inside my head... And now it starts to snow... Marry Christmas!
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