Place: Öster Malma Castle, Sörmland, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 58.9528, Lon: 17.1569
Time: 2 days in July
On the way back home from a trip through the beautiful Småland me and the family stop by Öster Malma; owned by Svenska Jägareförbundet, to say hello and spend the night. I really recommend you to visit this fine facility to enjoy its exquisite surroundings. I've only been here during Winter so therefore its nice to now get to experience Öster Malma in it's Summer bloom.
I appreciate Öster Malma's peaceful feeling and the good food in combination with possibilities to education and leisure. My little Sonia especially appreciated the Wildlife Park where we got to see game like; Deer, Mouflon and Moose.
Now we continue our journey North back home to further prepare the start of a new hunting season.
Thanks Öster Malma for a very nice stay.
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