How to Choose a Knife - Vapentidningen No.1 - 2018

This years first issue of Vapentidningen offer some very nice reading for all interested in Hunting, Target Practice, Weapon History and Outdoor Life. When it comes to blades my contribution in this issue is an article about what to think about when choosing a knife. The question; How to Choose a Knife, is a constantly returning theme that is always a pleasure to write about. And when out speaking or workshopping; I also often get this interesting question from different knife users.

This time I've narrowed down the menu of knife types to three different knife segments; the EDC Knife, the Forest Knife and the Game Knife. I write about what I look for in a knife I'm planning to use for these different tasks. And at the same time I give seven quick examples of suitable knife models in each segment.

The EDC Knife; is the knife that is probably used the most when solving my every day tasks. Tasks that can widely vary.
The Forest Knife; is the more robust knife that comes in handy when setting up camp out in the wild.
The Game Knife; is the blade only to be used when field dressing your game and start processing the meat.

I hope this mag article can be of assistance for you when planning to purchase you next knife.

Other nice articles inside the same magazine are for instance; ATA Arms NEO (Tobias Hassel), Browning Buck Mark Challenge Rosewood (Henrik Kalling) and The Beretta Story (Tobias Hassel).


To see other articles on the same theme; How to Choose a Knife; click HERE.

To see all my earlier articles inside Vapentidningen; click HERE.

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