Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter Nominated to The Swedish Tourism Award 2019

We feel blessed and honored to be nominated by the Business Community and the Public of the county of Västmanland to The Swedish Tourism Award 2019 (Stora Turismpriset 2019).

We are three nominees and we are honored to be in the company of these two fine colleges.
The nominees are:

1. Genbergs sommarcafé
2. Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter
3. Wirsbo herrgård

The Swedish Tourism Award is rewarded to actors in the business that manage to think new and innovative and help develop the tourism industry in a sustainable way. The big final is in Stockholm on December 4th 2019.

Photo: Per Groth

This nomination inspires us to continue our passion to spread knowledge regarding Bushcraft & Survival - the more rustique way of outdoor living with a historical connection. Our goal is to strengthen the individual and his and hers awareness of nature. Mankind is a part of nature, our home, and the more we learn about nature - the woods and the wildlife, the more at home we feel in it, in a respectful way. Then chances are; we'll take better care of our nature.

This nomination means a lot to us as the judge's three main criteria goes well with our own core values; Sustainability, Knowledge and Development.

More Bushcraft to the people
We are so happy to be able to take part in introducing Bushcraft & Survival into the modern tourism industry. We notice a big demand for knowledge among our customers - Bushcraft is Sustainability!

Help us make a difference
You can vote for your favorite candidate for the award. Voting are open until September 8th 2019. So if you want to see Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter in the finals December 4th; please vote for us by clicking HERE.
On the same site you also can read the nominations.

Have a nice day and take care about each other and our nature.
Kind regards
Jonas & Therese

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