The Survival Magazine Överleva - No. 2, 2013

This Spring I had the pleasure of participating in the Swedish Survival Guild's magazine Överleva (no. 1, 2013). In that number I told you about my survival training method JVMS and my plans on a JVMS 6 called Midsummer Survival. The Swedish Survival Guild (Svenska Överlevnadssällskapet, SÖS) has been around since 1982 and the mission is to explore and spread knowledge regarding survival skills and bushcraft.

A new number of Överleva is now out; Överleva (no. 2, 2013). In this issue you can read about how my midsummer survival adventure went. In the same issue you'll find interesting reading about Elina Kekkonen's experiences from SÖS Basic Summer Training, Anna Björklund and Andreas Engholm's report from SÖS Advanced Summer Training 2013 and also Magnus de Besche's story on SÖS brave presence at this years survival competition Porgupohja Retk out in the Estonian swamps.

I'd like to recommend you to visit SÖS webpage and Facebook page for inspiration and contact.

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