Living Worlds - Mattias Klum

Place: Stockholm Concert Hall, Stockholm, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.334984, Lon: 18.062865
Time: 1 day in July

When you're in Stockholm I want to recommend you to visit Stockholm's beautiful concert hall at Hötorget. Right now you can  free of charge experience Mattias Klums fantastic photo exhibition Living Worlds (Världar av liv). The event is scheduled to continue until the 23rd of August 2014.

In a interesting, tasteful and important way the show mix the latest statistics from the science world with Mattias enchanting footage. All to highligt the big challange we all right now is up against; to achieve a sustainable way of living that preserve biodiversity and protect the earth's natural environments for future generations.

Thanks for a nice and mind blowing afternoon in the summer hot Stockholm.

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