Axe Day 2015 in Storvik

Place: Wetterling's Axe Forge, Storvik, Sweden
Time: 1 day in June

This year's issue of the Axe Day arranged by Wetterlings got to be a very nice event filled with cheerful axe enthusiasts and a longed for Summer sun. The event program offered activities like; axe restoration, forging, carving, axe troughing and Tobias Lundgren's beautifully handcrafted canoes. My contribution to the Axe Day was to create an atmosphere of Bushcraft, so early morning I filled up my truck with Bushcraft stuff and head north.

My focus of the day was lecturing on making fire and talk Bushcraft. So I built up a Bushcraft camp where people could gather up around the camp fire to exchange creative ideas, while enjoying the great scenery of the stream powering the forge.

Photo: J. Kriga

So nice speaking about fire in front of such an curious crowd. I showed stuff like; bow drilling, suitable tinder, fire steel, different tips and tricks.

 Photo: J. Kriga
Photo: J. Kriga

Photo: J. Kriga

Warms my heart to see how the interest in Bushcraft is growing each day. I think this is a sign of how we; the modern people, crave for simplicity and history. The enchanting flames of the fire inspired to a lot of great discussions covering deep philosophical questions and what gear to use while out in the woods. Both old and new friends popped by throughout the day. Just to mention a few; Johan Kriga (Bushcraft Sverige), Chris Bradley (New York) and Daniel Aprili (EQUIPT). All inspiring members of the happy Bushcraft family

I want to thank Julia Kalthoff and the whole Wetterling team for a well arranged event. Also a big thanks to all you guys visiting and contributing with your curious questions and generous Woodlore stories. Last but not least I thank the so longed for Summer sun for my beautiful neck tan.

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