Coordinates: 59.277644, 18.015208 (lat, lon)
Time: 3 days in March (11th-13th)
This year's issue of the Vildmarksmässan (the Wilderness Fair) in Älvsjö was a bit special. The exhibition celebrates 30 years and some new features was added to the program. New this year was; Fotoskolan and Camp Vildmark (Camp Wilderness). The idea of Camp Vildmark is to offer the visitors a menu of short courses inside the fairground to educate and inspire the visitors prior to their upcoming adventures. A wide range of experts was gathered by the company Swett arranging Camp Vildmark together with Vildmarksmässan. I got the honors of sharing my experiences of Survival and Bushcraft during one of the courses held daily during the weekend.
It was a crash course with 90 minutes of basic survival. We mixed theory with practical exercises and some of the topics touched upon was Psychology, Fire, Water, Shelter and Gear.
I got interviewed by Madeleine Grem-Nielsen for this years fair magazine, also to be found in Dagens Nyheter. If you click on the pic below you'll be able to see the article.
I think the premiere of Camp Vildmark was a success and all the nice feedback from the enthusiastic attenders still warms my heart. Thanks to all involved in making this happen!
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