Coordinates: 55.438553, 13.827444 (lat, lon)
Time: 4 days in March (the Easter weekend)
Early morning out at the cabin and I'm loading my pickup truck with gear for this weekend's workshops. I'm off to the Southern parts of Sweden invited by the enthusiastic Miss Julia Kalthoff. She is arranging a carving festival at the town's old water tower. During four days a wide range of courses covering wood, leather and edge tools is offered in an inspiring and creative environment.
Pic from Ystad Täljfestival's facebookevent
I have the honors of giving a daily half day course during this weekend sharing my experience regarding choosing an edge tool, edge tool design (different edge profiles) and how to maintain the tools. I'm focusing on how to sharpen different edge tools when out in the field (without electricity). The visitors bring their own edge tools and I teach them how to sharpen them.
Photo: F. Ekelin
It warms my heart to see the growing interest in caring for ones tools. I think it's all in line with the modern view on Sustainability and our responsibility to downsize our consuming on this beautiful planet. When I for example restore the edge of my dull knife, instead of just scraping it and getting a new one, I build a relationship with my knife that reflect warmth into my wood cawing results.
I'm grateful to be a part of his first issue of Ystad Täljfestival; a success I hope from now on will be arranged yearly. I want to express my warmest thanks to the project group, the instructors and the visitors for your enthusiasm, knowledge and inspiring energy.
Photo: A. Undén
With my course attenders satisfied smiles and sharpened tools in my mind I now start my 700 kilometers long trip back home. Looking forward to enjoy the amazing beautiful Skåne as the Spring sun settles in the calm horizon.
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