Track and Clue Awareness

Place: Malmen, Vallentuna, Sweden
Coordinates: 59.593893, 18.09824 (lat, lon)
Time: 2 days in April

This weekend I've spent in the pleasant company of SARInfo Sweden during their course called Track and Clue Awareness. Vallentuna; just outside Stockholm, stood for a spectacular scenery and nice weather. Tracking is a fascinating subject that one never can learn enough of. Thanks to brilliant instructors like; Clive G. Swombow, Hans Larsson and Patrik Andersson it's easy to get inspiration to go out there and get some more dirt time tracking.

No matter what you're tracking; game, man or other object, there's a couple of aspect always to consider. For instance; knowledge about the objects behavior, experience and condition. Also an understanding of the laws of Physics; mechanical, material and time, is vital.

 Photo: SARInfo

Photo: P. Andersson

I'd like to take the opportunity to give you some book tips on the subject:

  • The Complete Guide to Tracking, by Bob Carss
  • Foundations for Awareness, Signcutting and Tracking, by Robert Speiden
  • Spårboken, by Preben Bang
  • Field Guide to Nature Observation and Tracking, by Tom Brown

A warm thanks to SARInfo Sweden for a very well arranged weekend filled with interesting lectures and challenging exercises. Thanks to all the curious attenders and last but not least; a happy thanks to Hökeriet at the Granby Gård for the nice surroundings and the good food.

You can also meet the team from SARInfo Sweden at the Bushcraftfestivalen, August 25th-27th, when the'll be lecturing and displaying their business.

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