The Delsjö Area Nature Reserve

Place: The Delsjö & Kåsjö Area, Gothenburg, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 57.69824, Lon: 12.09196
Time: 1 day in May

I'm visiting Gothenburg and have a day off for some refreshing outooring. Sonia and I've packed the essentials and are now on our way out to the beautiful nature surrounding Delsjön (The Del Lake). Delsjön is divided into The Big and The Small Delsjön. The lake is situated in the Delsjöområdets naturreservat (The Delsjö Area Nature Reserve) just East of the city. You can take rail bus number 5 from Korsvägen and The Fair if you don't wanna walk the 3 km's from the city. From the Delsjövägen it's another 2 km hike before you'll reach water. The area is about 25 000 ha and offers a wide range of vegetation. You can do a lot of activities like mountain biking, paddling and fishing in the area.
The longed for spring sun warms the nature that finally can explode in powerful green colours.
The trails are easy accessed even for Sonia's sulky. There's just a couple of stairs on the Bohusleden (The Bohus Trail), between Lillön and Lyckans beach.
Our food taste great down by the water. Sonia is really enjoying all the exiting stuff she find when crawling and running around; cones, dirt and stones. She also loves the other trekker's dogs and shouts out in laughter; "Vov! Vov!". There's about a 10 km hike if you wanna pass bout The Big and The Small Delsjön, it's a really nice hike and a good exercise to. If you want more beautiful water I can recommend you take a stroll through Knipeflågsbergens naturreservat (The Knipeflåg Mountain Nature Reserve) and visit Kåsjön (The Kå Lake) 5 km North East of Delsjön.
Thanks for a great day outdoors celebrating Spring time! Bout Sonia and I'll be sleeping peacefully tonight.

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