Hare Hunt on Gålö
Place: Gålö naturreservat, Haninge Municipality, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.11089, Lon: 18.27711
Time: 1 day in February
Now the Moose and Roe Deer season is over here in Sweden. But Hare, Fox and Wild Boar is still in the game. So today we focus on Hare and Fox. Helping us today is five nice dogs; Hamiltonstövare, Schweizer Laufhund and Gotlandsstövare. We are on Svenska Jägareförbundet's hunting ground on Gålö, South of Stockholm. A lot of snow in the air and active dogs result in a perfect Hare hunt. A fox and a lot of Roe Deer is spotted and fresh traces of big Moose is always exiting to see in the snow. Two beautiful Hares are catched and we all agree on that this was a very nice and exiting hunt. Time for me to hang my clothes to dry and enjoy a warning soup. A wish you a peaceful and nice evening.
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