Moose Hunting Day Before Father's Day

Place: Långhundra häradUppland, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.75041, Lon: 17.91107
Time: 1 day in November

The day before yesterday the first snow arrived here in Upland. Unfortunately it was short lived therefore it's green and wet on the ground as I now sit down to start today's hunt. We still have individuals left on our ration of Moose, so today we're hoping to get in balance with our game plan of the season. It's a beautiful and calm morning. The fog gives that magic feeling that any minute now the Moose will appear between the threes. But the morning remain calm. Today we don't use dogs so after some hours I take a walk on the land to do a quick status check. The only fresh tracks I can find is from Roe Deer and Wild Boar. The Moose is elsewhere today so we call off the hunt and bring out the coffee instead. Better luck hunting next time. Grateful to be able to add yet another day of hunting and spending time in the woods to my experience. A great way to start off this Father's Day weekend... Congratulations all you Fathers!

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