Roe Deer Hunting in the Beautiful Winter Wonderland of Gålö

Place: Gålö naturreservatHaninge Municipality, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.11089, Lon: 18.27711
Time: 1 day in Janury

I'd like to thank Gålö for a great day of hunting. Beautiful landscape, well organized and a lot of good working dogs. I got to be one of eleven hunting guests out at Gålö this day, and we got to see a lot of game. Good to see that the population of Deer are increasing on Gålö. I'm guessing, besides well administered hunting, last year's mild Winter has contributed to this.

We managed to cover three hunting grounds in one day and for me it got the most exiting when two Bucks entered my zone in the morning... a beautiful sight. However the two young animals stayed tight together so I had to let them go, because of the risk of wounding the animal in the background, if shooting on the game in front.

By the end of the day one Deer was dressed and rosy cheeked hunters was grateful for a perfect day in the woods.

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