Jonas Vildmark's Edge and Fire Training - August 2015

Place: Jonas Vildmark's Cabin, Roslagen, Sweden
Time: 2 days in August

Time for yet another training event held by Jonas Vildmark. This time I'm testing a new concept mixing my two other courses; Basic Outdoor Training and Edge Tool Training. So this weekend we'll be focusing on how to make fire and how to use the saw, axe and knife. And all of this out in the field. Below you'll find some mood pics that I hope will inspire you to some outdoor time.

After testing different ways of litting different tinder a well deserved lunch is cooked over the fire.

After interesting discussions on different edge tools, what to choose and different techniques; it's time to choose a piece of wood and let the creativity flow.

 Photo: S. Landolsi

During the peaceful carving and while enjoying the dinner we get time to brainstorm around stuff like hiking, hunting, fishing and survival. As it gets dark we roll out our sleeping bags and let the beautiful stars rock us to sleep.

After waking up refreshed by the fireside; we make some freshly brewed coffee and take another look at our woodwork from yesterday. There is always some improvement to do, especially when looking on the object in the new morning light.

I humbly want to thank all the participants for contributing with enthusiasm, laughter and interesting stories during these days. I hope my tips may inspire to further creative outdoor adventures together with our friends; the Fire, the Axe and the Knife.

To see more about Jonas Vildmark's courses; please click HERE.

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