Time: 1 day training
Edge & Fire is a combination outdoor course held around the campfire of Lienshyttans Herrgård in Riddarhyttan Sweden. The training is a combination of the two separate courses; Fire and Edge Tools. During the 1-day training Edge & Fire you'll learn how to use knife, axe, saw and fire; mankind's most important inventions. The controlled fire and the edge tools set the foundation of our ancestors development in life that have lead us till where we are today. The one who master these two cornerstones has limitless possibilities in their hands. Edge & Fire is a popular and complete course where you get tips and trix on the subject, and at the same time you get the chance to practice your techniques and skills in a peaceful environment. If you're interested in practicing your Bushcraft skills; we hope you'll sign up for one or several of the course dates found below.
Photo: M. Brodersen
Some of the course content (changes may occur)
Theoretical and practical training regarding knife, axe and saw:
- The history of the tools, Geometry and Choice of tools
- Techniques, Safety and Practicing
- Sharpening. Maintenance and Practicing
- Bushcraft wood carving
Theoretical and practical fire skills:
- The fundamentals, Safety and Preparations
- Tinder, Fuel and Fire Construction
- Lighting Techniques and Practicing
- Practicing and Putting it out
The whole training is spent outdoors whatever the weather. Bring clothes for all weather and also bring your own edge and fire tools, if any (tools for borrowing are available on suite). These one-day course has the same content as our separate edge tool course and fire course, but boiled down to just one day.
Length: 1 day (10.00-16.00)
Price (including VAT): 1500 SEK per person
The price includes; Instructor, lunch, fika, course material and some gear.
Course dates during 2019:
April 23rd
June 19th
To book your spot; contact us by clicking HERE.
To see an example of some of the course content; click HERE.
For more training offers; click HERE.
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