Blind Hunting Fox in Bogesund

Place: Bogesund, Vaxhom Municipality, Sverige
Coordinates: Lat: 59.41233, Lon: 18.23497
Time: 1 night in August

Tonight it's premiere for my hunting season. This beautiful summers night I'll be blind hunting fox and badger. It's truly high summer and everything feels so perfect when I stroll down to my hunting tower number 40 here at The Swedish Hunters Association's hunting grounds in Bogesund.

Even before I climb into place in the tower I'm joined by a good looking roe deer couple just 80 meters from me. It's a magnificent trophy buck courting his female.

As the sun slowly sets I'm joined by 6 other individuals out on the field; 3 nice bucks and 3 appreciated females. This looks promising for the upcoming buck season just 12 days away. The 2 younger bucks is chased away by the first trophy buck and another impressive old buck. Later on these two bucks let a fight decide who's the king of this field. The younger trophy buck can relax and continue courting the area's ladies.

The evening runs peacefully and no sightings of fox from my end. But as the clock is to strike 10:00 pm a dark grunting is interrupting the silence. 17 wild bore come running along the edge of the field. It's 10 piglets with their 2 sows, a robust boar and the rest of them yearlings. Exiting to study these fascinating animals up close.

Now it's dark and time to end this hunting day. Me and my 4 hunting buddy's meet up and summarize the evening to one young fox laid down.

Inspiring to have such a nice start to the season. I'm already looking forward to my next hunting adventure. Perhaps it'll be later this week.

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