Still Hunting in Långhundra Härad

Place: Långhundra härad, Uppland, Sweden
Coordinates: Lat: 59.75041, Lon: 17.91107
Time: 1 day in August

Time for Sonia and me to do some hunting. Today we'll be still hunting (stalking). The sun sits high in the sky so I put on my little Sonia a sun hat à la Sniper, lift her up on my back and off we go.

Still hunting is a great way to get to know the land and also get a grip on what game it shelters. We hope to see some roe deer, or at least traces of them, to be able to take a guess about how the buck hunt this year will turn out. The buck premier is the 16th of August. We stalk slow and quietly with the rifle at hand in case we should find any suitable game (fox, badger, wild boar). After a couple of hours Sonia get a bit grumpy. But as Sonia really love blue berries this is easily fixed with some twigs of delicious berries.

But although Sonia is an ideal side kick in the carrier out hunting we only see tracks and traces of the game today. This looks to be a great hunting season; see a lot of traces of deer, wild boar and moose. After Sonia has finished off her packed lunch by tower 5 we continue stalking and thank the Forest for the knowledge.

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