Coordinates: Lat: 59.41233, Lon: 18.23497
Time: 1 day in February
Time for the annual Fox Drive in Bogesund; as always great arranged by my friends in Svenska Jägareförbundet. This year it's me, my 4-year-old little Sonia and 40 other hunters enjoying a unusually green Bogesund. It got to be a beautiful day full of experiences. By the end of the day; two Fox were laid down and Sonia got to tell some amazing hunting stories to her Mother and Sister. Especially fun Sonia thought it was to use her little sister Miriam's little blue toy tambourine when walking in the drive crew. I let the below pics describe a bit more of our refreshing day.
Also take a look at past year's Fox Drives in Bogesund by clicking HERE.
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