Place: Chocolate Mountains, Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, USA
Time: 3 days in November
The Chocolate Mountains is rises besides the Colorado River in Cibola National Wildlife Refuge. The river outlines the natural boarder between Arizona, California and Nevada. Me and my friends are canoeing in the south parts of the Yuma area. We are going down streams along the Colorado River with the Arizonian desert on one shore and the green California on the other. It's a funny feeling when traveling along the more narrow parts of the river, to have also the time difference of one hour pending on what shore I'm standing on. This is a very peaceful and beautiful 57 km long stretch to paddle. The sun is just right, warming my happy body and when ever I feel like it I can take a refreshing dip in the calm river. I get to see a lot of fish and I understand why this area is a refuge to over 200 different bird species. Luckily I get to see; canada goose, blue heron and white pelican. This is probably the most relaxing trip I've ever done here in the States. Thankful to be able to spend this fantastic time with my friends.
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