Place: Skofjärden, Mälaren, Sweden
Time: 1 day in August
Last night I packed my bag with some food, sunblock and gear. Today I'm up early; time for some spin fishing! Now I'm sitting in my little boat on my way out on the water that's calm like a mirror. It's a beautiful summer moring and the sun starts heating up my face as she arise. I often fish here in Mälaren just south of Uppsala and it's always a joy to relax on these waters. This morning is really calm; no activity what so ever in the water. Perhaps it's too warm in the water. The hours passes and I enjoy my casting and my sandwiches. But then at 07:00 pm it's just like turning on a swish; Boom! a 2 kg pike stikes at my Abu Garcia Atom spoon. On my next cast; Boom! a 1 kg pike. Two hours later I've hooked five lively pikes, two nice zanders, two fat perchs an a really big ide. The biggest pike was about 5 kg. What an amazing day this turned out to be. After securing my boat I turn to the water, lift my hat and thank for this generous day.
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